Top 4 Effective DIY Rodent Control Method

 Do you share your home with small furry rodents with long tails? It is essential to take the necessary steps to stop rodents immediately. Rats reproduce quickly, and you must stop the rodent infestation immediately to protect your family and home from harm.

Before you begin

When you think of rodents as rats, be aware that they're extremely adaptable. This means it's difficult to eliminate the rodents from your house. They carry diverse illnesses that could be harmful to the human body and cause significant destruction to your home. But, they're often mistaken for mice. To ensure that you take the correct steps to ensure successful control of rats, the very first thing you need to do is be sure that you're taking care of rats and not mice.

Effective DIY rat control methods

In the case of rats, most people prefer to leave the control of rodents with the professionals. There are, however, efficient DIY rodent control techniques that you can attempt yourself.

Peppermint, spearmint, and mint: 

Rats aren't fans of peppermint and mint scents. A mint plant next to your home is among the best methods to keep your home safe from rats. The scent alone can deter rats because they don't like the smell. Many homeowners say that having these herbs around their properties can be beneficial. Therefore, it's helpful to have mint in the garden for the perfect beverage; it keeps rats away from your home.

The old-fashioned cat strategy

Cats are not adorable pets; and they are also vicious rat hunters, and they enjoy hunting down rodents without fearing their size. If there's a rodent problem within your house, maybe you should think about adopting cats.

There's no need to search for a cat that is trained. Pick any cat at an animal sanctuary in your area, and it will be able to do the job. Make sure you know when you have a bird or pet hamster living in your house. If you have one that is an excellent hunter, it might attempt to track down your pets as well.

Liquid rat repellent

Rat repellent in liquid is among the most efficient DIY strategies for controlling rats. This liquid is based on the scent of cats. Because rats are averse to cats, they become afraid and leave the area quickly. It's important to know that premium liquid repellents won't cause irritation to people, and therefore you can spray your home and not worry about unpleasant odors.

Peanut butter

A mix made of peanut butter and Boric acid is an alternative DIY technique for controlling rats. To create this magical mixture:

  1. Mix 1 Cup of peanut butter with 1 cup of Boric acid.
  2. Make small, half-inch balls.
  3. Put them in the rat-infested areas of your home, and they are highly poisonous to rats once they've tasted the balls.

If you aren't able to create it on your own

If you're trying to rid yourself of rats, do not hesitate to test these DIY methods to remove rats. But, you must be aware of this: controlling rodents, particularly the control of rats, isn't simple. It is essential to get at the root of the problem, stopping rodents from getting onto your property or within your home. Make sure that your garage, house, and basement are tidy and clear away the trash regularly every day.


  1. Thank you for the informative post on mice and rodent control. Your tips will assist in keeping these pests at bay and maintaining a clean environment.


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